Réponses aux demandes d'information

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15 July 2019


Algeria: Requirements and procedures to obtain passports and national identity cards, both from within and outside the country (2017-July 2019)

Research Directorate, Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada

1. Passports

The issuance of biometric passports began in 2012, according to a 2016 presentation by the Algerian Ministry of the Interior and Local Authorities' (ministère de l'Intérieur et des Collectivités locales) to the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) (Algeria [2016], 5). According to the website of the Consulate General of Algeria in New York, the "procedure" for obtaining biometric passports began in 2013 (Algeria n.d.a). The ICAO presentation indicates that prior to November 2015, all "classic" passports were converted to biometric passports (Algeria [2016], 5).

According to the website of the Consulate General of Algeria in New York, biometric passports are valid for 10 years for adults and 5 years for minors; minor children must have their own passports and can "no longer" be included on their parents' passports (Algeria n.d.a).

1.1 Obtaining a Passport from Abroad

According to the website of the Consulate General of Algeria in New York, applications are submitted to the Consulate General but are processed in Algeria; as a result, "the procedure entails weeks [of] delay between the submission of the request and obtaining the passport" (Algeria n.d.a). The same source provides the following requirements for obtaining a passport:

  • Applying for a passport for the first time at the consulate is subject to prior consular registration;
  • [The applicant must be] in possession of the special extract of his/her birth certificate 12S[.]

Required Documents

  • Biometric passport form to be filled out correctly by each applicant.
  • Original 12S Birth Certificate ([c]opies, even certified[,] are not valid).
  • Copy of the first page from the expired passport.
  • Copy of a 12S Birth Certificate.
  • A copy of a consular registration card ([r]enewal of expired card can be submitted simultaneously).
  • ([A] copy of consular registration card of one of the parent[s] if the applicant is less than 19 years old).
  • A copy [of] proof of US residency (Green Card, valid student [v]isa, US passport).
  • A proof of employment or school verification letter for students.
  • Two (02) biometric identity photos in compliance with ICAO standards.
  • Seventy-[f]ive USD ($75)[,] [m]oney [o]rder [o]nly (no [c]ash, checks or [c]redit cards). In case of los[t], stole[n] or damage[d] passport[,] an additional tax of 125 USD is required. (Algeria n.d.a)

The Consulate General's website provides the following procedure for obtaining a passport:

Enrollment ([p]hotography, [f]ingerprints and [e]lectronic signature)[.] Each applicant, except children under 12 years, must be present in person at the consulate when submitting the application. A photograp[h], fingerprinting and electronic signature are required. For children under [the] age of 12, photography and fingerprinting [are] not required[;] mailing their paperwork with a certified return envelope is sufficient if the parents are not capable of dropping off their requests.

Passport Tracking

Applicants must check the status of their application a week after completing the fingerprint and the picture at http://passeport.interieur.gov.dz/fr/
Suivi_Fr/Suivi_Demande using the tracking number on the receipt.

  • If the mention "Le passeport est expédié" appears, the applicant must follow up the tracking at Track your passport until the mention "your passport is ready for pick up" appears.
  • If the mention "photo non conforme" appears, then you must download a new picture in compliance with ICAO at http://passeport.interieur.gov.dz[.]
  • Otherwise, contact [the Consulate.]

Pick-up and Delivery

When your biometric passport is ready for pickup you can either take it from the [c]onsulate [l]ocation or request its mailing. Please note that the mailing of biometric passport[s] came as part of the Consulate's ongoing efforts aimed at providing quality services and considering the specificity of our consular post ([d]istance and traveling difficulties for our citizens). When walk[ing]-in [for pick-up,] bring:

  • Your [r]eceipt,
  • Your [o]ld Algerian [p]assport,
  • Your Birth [C]ertificate 12s ([i]t will be returned to you after printing the [National Identification Number, NIN]).

When requesting its mailing:

  • A notarized sworn statement,
  • Receipt,
  • 12s,
  • Old passport,
  • A prepaid Certified, Priority or Overnight mail return envelope bearing [the] applicant's address. (Algeria n.d.a, italics and bold characters in original)

The same source also provides the following information:

  • [The] [p]resence of children aged less than 12 years old is not necessary.
  • A paternal authorization when the mother is picking the kids['] passports.
  • In case of divorce, a [c]ourt [o]rder with full custody and guardianship delivered by the Algerian competent authority when the children['s] passports [are] picked up by the mother.
  • When the father is not Algerian[,] the mother is the one to pick up the passport. (Algeria n.d.a)

1.2 Obtaining a Passport from Within Algeria

The website of the Algerian Ministry of the Interior and Local Authorities states the following:


Application for the biometric passport for the first time (applicants residing in Algeria):

The form completed and signed by the person concerned or by the legal guardian for minors, to which is attached:

  • the special birth certificate extract No. 12 of the person concerned, issued on a special form;
  • the certificate of nationality when the request is first made;
  • the expired passport, accompanied by the father's or mother's birth certificate or, failing that, the death certificate of one of the parents, in the case of an application for renewal;
  • the certificate of residence less than six (6) months old;
  • the certificate of employment or the certificate of schooling for students or schoolchildren;
  • four (4) recent and identical digital colour photos (the background of the biometric photo must be plain, without borders and white in colour);
  • a tax receipt or stamp in the amount corresponding to the nature of the document requested;
  • The copy of the blood group card.

In the event of loss, theft or damage, the relevant declaration shall be attached to the renewal file. (Algeria n.d.b)

2. National Identity Cards
2.1 Obtaining a National Identity Card from Abroad

According to the website of the Embassy of Algeria in Ottawa, Algerians registered with the Embassy's services and holding a biometric passport can [translation] "apply for an electronic biometric national identity card [Carte nationale d'identité biométrique et électronique (CNIBE)] directly on the website of the Ministry of the Interior and Local Authorities" (Algeria n.d.c). The same source indicates the following requirements and procedures to apply for the CNIBE:


To do this, simply enter your [NIN], appearing on the passport and the biometric passport number to view and confirm your name, first name and address. …

The data to be printed on the [CNIBE] are those already entered on the biometric passport.

The validity of the national identity card is ten (10) years[.]

Renewal of the national identity card is possible under the following circumstances:

Expiry of the validity period;

Lost or stolen national identity card;

Damaged national identity card.

In the event of loss or damage to biometric documents:

Any loss or theft of documents issued by the Algerian authorities must be reported to the consular services. The presence of the person concerned is mandatory. They must be in possession of an identity document proving his Algerian nationality and the declaration of loss or theft made to the police authorities and must fill in the form at the level of the consular section.

New regulatory provisions: The Algerian Embassy in Ottawa informs its citizens that the renewal of the [CNIBE], in the event of loss or damage, is subject to a CAD 20 fee.

It is therefore possible to apply for the renewal of the CNIBE, online, in the same way as a simple application. (Algeria n.d.c)

2.2 Obtaining a National Identity Card from Within Algeria

A page on the website of the Algerian Ministry of the Interior and Local Authorities titled "Demande carte d'identité" (Identity Card Request) provides the following information:


This service allows people with a biometric passport to apply for a [CNIBE] without having to go to an enrolment site.

How to benefit from this service:

  1. Have a biometric passport,
  2. The data that will be printed on the Biometric National Identity Card are those printed on your biometric passport,
  3. It is necessary to specify your current address of residence,
  4. You must enter your mobile phone number to receive, at the end of the production of your Biometric National Identity Card, an SMS message informing you of the date and place of collection of your document,
  5. On the next page, you must enter your [NIN] and your biometric passport number to view and confirm your name, first name and address. (Algeria n.d.d)

According to a 2016 article by El Moudjahid, a state-run Algerian newspaper,


For citizens who do not yet have a biometric passport, the Ministry of the Interior and Local Authorities has also detailed on its website the procedure to benefit from the biometric card. The application for a [CNIBE] can be submitted to any municipality, administrative district or daïra in the same wilaya or to the consular service of the place of residence for Algerians living abroad. After the confirmed submission of the file and the enrolment of the biometric data, a receipt will be issued by the authorized official. (El Moudjahid 18 Sept. 2016, italics added)

Further information on enrolment sites could not be found among the sources consulted by the Research Directorate within the time constraints of this Response.

This Response was prepared after researching publicly accessible information currently available to the Research Directorate within time constraints. This Response is not, and does not purport to be, conclusive as to the merit of any particular claim for refugee protection. Please find below the list of sources consulted in researching this Information Request.


Algeria. [2016]. Ministère de l'Intérieur et des Collectivités locales. The Algerian Biometric and Electronic National Identity Card, "CNIBE". Presentation by Hichem Chaya, Sub-Director of the Personalization of Secured Documents and Titles, to the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). [Accessed 11 July 2019]

Algeria. N.d.a. Consulate General of Algeria in New York. "Biometric Passport." [Accessed 3 July 2019]

Algeria. N.d.b. Ministère de l'Intérieur et des Collectivités locales. "Pièces à fournir dans une demande d'un passeport biométrique." [Accessed 3 July 2019]

Algeria. N.d.c. Ambassade d'Algérie à Ottawa. "Carte nationale d'identité." [Accessed 3 July 2019]

Algeria. N.d.d. Ministère de l'Intérieur et des Collectivités locales. "Demande carte d'identité." [Accessed 3 July 2019]

El Moudjahid. 18 September 2016. "Détenteurs de passeport biométrique : la carte d’identité sans dossier." [Accessed 3 July 2019]

Additional Sources Consulted

Internet sites, including: Al Jazeera; ecoi.net; Factiva; Keesing's – Documentchecker; UN – Refworld.
