Step 3: Prepare for an informal resolution or a pre-hearing conference

In some cases, the IAD will try to resolve a case without a hearing. We call this an informal resolution. In cases involving a Minister’s appeal, an informal resolution is usually not used. However, the IAD will generally schedule a pre-hearing conference to prepare for the hearing. If you have a counsel, you are not required to appear at the pre-hearing conference. You can discuss with your counsel if you should attend.

At a pre-hearing conference, the IAD will discuss the issues raised in the Minister’s appeal and the hearing process to help you prepare for your hearing. The IAD may discuss:

  • whether the appeal can be decided in writing. In some cases, an appeal can be decided with written submissions and without an oral hearing. Both parties will be asked to give written submissions
  • the date for your oral hearing, if required
  • the number of witnesses the parties plan to call at the hearing and the reason why their testimony is required
  • any information or documents that could help the IAD decide the appeal case
  • the issues and the facts that are relevant to the appeal