Responses to Information Requests

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Responses to Information Requests (RIRs) cite publicly accessible information available at the time of publication and within time constraints. A list of references and additional sources consulted are included in each RIR. Sources cited are considered the most current information available as of the date of the RIR.            

RIRs are not, and do not purport to be, conclusive as to the merit of any particular claim for refugee protection. Rather, they are intended to support the refugee determination process. More information on the methodology used by the Research Directorate can be found here.          

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13 December 2023


Peru: Proof of Military Registration (Constancia de Inscripción Militar, CIM), including content, appearance, and security features; requirements and procedures to obtain (2021–November 2023)

Research Directorate, Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada

1. Overview

According to a webpage of the Military Registry Directorate (Dirección de Registro Militar) on the Proof of Military Registration, the CIM [translation] "is the document that proves registration in the Military Registers," and it is "issued free of charge" by the Military Registration Offices of the Armed Forces and by Peruvian consulates, in accordance with Article 30 of Law 29248, Peru's Military Service Law (Peru n.d.a). According to the same website's FAQ webpage, registration with the military indicates that [translation] "one has fulfilled their civic duty"; however, it does not commit the registrant to fulfilling military service (Peru n.d.b). According to the website of the Consulate General of Peru in Dallas, Peruvian nationals residing abroad have "no obligation to perform military service" (Peru n.d.c). Additionally, the Military Registry Directorate's FAQ webpage indicates that registration with the military also provides the Ministry of Defence with [translation] "a database of all registered Peruvians" as well as an "updated record of available reservists" (Peru n.d.b). The same source indicates that the CIM is also a [translation] "requirement" to obtain the National Identity Document (Documento nacional de identidad, DNI) (Peru n.d.b).

According to the Ministry of Defence's website, all Peruvians must [translation] "compulsorily" sign up for the military registry at the age of 17 and before turning 18; failure to do so incurs a fine of 247.50 soles [C$90.41] as of 2023 (Peru 2023-07-03). Sources report that a bill was introduced in October 2023 proposing to abolish the penalty for not signing up for the military registry (Infobae 2023-10-19; Latina Televisión 2023-10-17). A Spanish-language news source from Argentina (The Washington Post 2016-06-08), Infobae, citing a copy of the proposed bill, reports that the current fine is [translation] "'extremely high'" and "'represents a little over 24 percent of the minimum wage of thousands of Peruvians'" (Infobae 2023-10-19).

2. Content, Appearance, and Security Features

The description in the following section is based on a blank sample image of a CIM published on the website of the Military Registry Directorate:

The CIM document has two sides. On the front side, top left corner, is the coat of arms of Peru, and on the opposite top right corner, is the coat of arms corresponding to the military branch with which the holder is registered. In between these two coats of arms are three rows of headings that read, from top to bottom and in capital letters, "REPÚBLICA DEL PERÚ," "MINISTERIO DE DEFENSA," and "CONSTANCIA DE INSCRIPCIÓN MILITAR." On the lower left side of the front of the document is a field for the CIM number populated with the holder's DNI, and below which is a colour photo of the holder. Finally, to the right of the CIM number and holder's photo, is the holder's personal information, and below this is the signature of the head of the Military Registration Office. In order of appearance, the personal information fields are:

  • Book [libro] and folio;
  • last names (paternal and maternal) [Ap. Paterno; Ap. Materno];
  • first name [nombres];
  • class [clase] and qualification [calificación];
  • date of birth [fecha de nacimiento];
  • sex [sexo]; and
  • height [talla].

The back of the CIM document has a heading that reads, in capital letters, "SERVICIO DE RESERVA." Below it are the following fields of information related to the holder's military reserve service:

  • Classification [clasificación];
  • profession/occupation [profesión/ocupación];
  • duration of reserve duty [pemanencia en la reserva];
  • issue date of CIM [fecha de expedición];
  • the Military Registration Office [ORM or "Oficinas de Registro Militar" (Peru n.d.d)] number; and
  • institutional authority [control cada instituto].

Beneath the reserve service information fields is a written notice on how to return the CIM, should it be found by a third party. Finally, at the top right corner, are the holder's fingerprint and signature (Peru n.d.a).

3. Requirements and Procedures

According to the Ministry of Defence's website, individuals in Peru can register free of charge to obtain their CIM, either online or in person (Peru 2023-07-03). The same source states that to register in person, individuals must present themselves at a Military Registration Office for either the Peruvian Army, Navy, or Air Force, with their DNI (Peru 2023-07-03). For information on the DNI, including content, appearance, and security features, as well as requirements and procedures to obtain or replace it in Peru and abroad, see Response to Information Request PER201699 of January 2024.

The Ministry of Defence website adds that Peruvian nationals living abroad must present themselves in person at the nearest Peruvian consulate to complete their registration (Peru 2023-07-03).

This Response was prepared after researching publicly accessible information currently available to the Research Directorate within time constraints. This Response is not, and does not purport to be, conclusive as to the merit of any particular claim for refugee protection. Please find below the list of sources consulted in researching this Information Request.


Infobae. 2023-10-19. Jordan Arce. "Registro Militar 2023: todo sobre la propuesta de ley para anular la multa de S/ 247 por no inscribirse." [Accessed 2023-11-24]

Latina Televisión. 2023-10-17. "Registro militar: proyecto de ley busca que peruanos mayores de 18 años no paguen multa de S/247." [Accessed 2023-12-01]

Peru. 2023-07-03. Ministerio de Defensa. "Inscribirte en el registro militar obligatorio." [Accessed 2023-11-24]

Peru. N.d.a. Ministerio de Defensa, Dirección de Registro Militar. "Constancia de Inscripción Militar (CIM)." [Accessed 2023-11-02]

Peru. N.d.b. Ministerio de Defensa, Dirección de Registro Militar. "Preguntas frecuentes." [Accessed 2023-11-02]

Peru. N.d.c. Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Consulado General de Perú en Dallas. "Registro de Inscripción Militar (a partir de los 17 años)." [Accessed 2023-11-06]

Peru. N.d.d. Jefatura de Reemplazos y Reservas del Ejército. "Preguntas Frecuentes." [Accessed 2023-12-01]

The Washington Post. 2016-06-08. "Infobae Now Powered by the Washington Post's Arc Technology." [Accessed 2023-07-13]

Additional Sources Consulted

Internet sites, including: Al Jazeera; América Televisión; AS Perú; Associated Press; Austrian Red Cross –; Centre of Excellence for CRVS Systems; Denmark – Danish National ID Centre; EdisonTD; El Comercio; El Peruano; EU – EU Agency for Asylum, Public Register of Authentic Identity and Travel and Identity Documents Online; Organization of American States; Peru – embassies in Ottawa and Guatemala City; Privacy International; Reuters; Thales Group; UK – Home Office; UN – Refworld; US – State Department.

