About the Board

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The Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (IRB) is Canada's largest independent administrative tribunal. It is responsible for making well-reasoned decisions on immigration and refugee matters, efficiently, fairly and in accordance with the law.

The IRB decides, among other responsibilities, who needs refugee protection among the thousands of claimants who come to Canada annually.

Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) has the overall responsibility for immigration and refugee matters. It is responsible for selecting immigrants, issuing visitors' visas, and granting citizenship. It is also IRCC that determines the eligibility of all refugee protection claims made in Canada and refers eligible claims to the IRB for a decision.

The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) is responsible for carrying out enforcement functions related to immigration and refugee matters. These include detention, removals, investigations, and intelligence and immigration control functions overseas.

The IRB reports to Parliament through the Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada, but the IRB remains independent from IRCC and the Minister.

All IRB decisions have an impact on the lives and security of the individuals appearing before the IRB. They contribute to the security of Canadians, the integrity of Canada's immigration and refugee systems, and the strength and diversity of our nation. Refugees and immigrants have always been part of Canadian history and will continue to help shape our future.


The Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada is an independent tribunal established by the Parliament of Canada. Our mission, on behalf of Canadians, is to resolve immigration and refugee cases efficiently, fairly and in accordance with the law.


We will excel in everything we do and will deal simply, quickly and fairly with everyone. Through innovation, we will be a leading edge administrative tribunal and a creative partner in building the future of the Canadian immigration system.

Organizational structure

Text format
  • Chairperson
    • Executive Director
      • Director General, Operations and Regional Services
        • Director, Regional Operations (Western Region)
        • Director, Regional Operations (Central Region)
        • Director, Regional Operations (Eastern Region)
        • Director, Research
        • Senior Director, Common Services
        • Director, Special Projects
      • Director General, Strategic Directions and Corpo​rate Affairs
      • Director General, Project Management Office (Horizon 2026-27)
    • Head, Corporate Services and Chief Financial Officer
      • Director General, Human Resources
      • Deputy Chief Financial Officer, Finance and Administration
      • Chief Innovation and Technology Officer
    • Chief of Staff
    • Senior General Counsel
    • Ombudsperson
    • Deputy Chairperson, Refugee Protection Division (RPD)
      • Assistant Deputy Chairperson, RPD (Western Region)
      • Assistant Deputy Chairperson, RPD (Central Region)
      • Assistant Deputy Chairperson, RPD (Eastern Region)
      • Assistant Deputy Chairperson, RPD (Quality Centre)
      • Assistant Deputy Chairperson, RPD (Less Complex Claims and Gender Related Task Force)
    • Deputy Chairperson, Immigration Division (ID)
      • Assistant Deputy Chairperson, ID (Western Region)
      • Assistant Deputy Chairperson, ID (Central Region)
      • Assistant Deputy Chairperson, ID (Eastern Region)
    • Deputy Chairperson, Immigration Appeal Division (IAD)
      • Assistant Deputy Chairperson, IAD (Western Region)
      • Assistant Deputy Chairperson, IAD (Central Region)
      • Assistant Deputy Chairperson, IAD (Eastern Region)
    • Deputy Chairperson, Refugee Appeal Division (RAD)
      • Assistant Deputy Chairperson, RAD (Western Region)
      • Assistant Deputy Chairperson, RAD (Central Region)
      • Assistant Deputy Chairperson, RAD (Eastern Region)



RPD - Refugee Protection Division
ID - Immigration Division
IAD - Immigration Appeal Division
RAD - Refugee Appeal Division


Western Region  

  • Yukon
  • Northwest Territories
  • British Columbia
  • Alberta
  • Saskatchewan
  • Manitoba

Central Region  

  • Ontario (except Ottawa and Kingston)

Eastern Region  

  • Nunavut
  • Kingston
  • Ottawa
  • Quebec
  • Newfoundland
  • New Brunswick
  • Nova Scotia
  • Prince Edward Island


Refugee Protection Division

The Refugee Protection Division (RPD) hears and decides claims for refugee protection made in Canada in keeping with the international Geneva Convention, as implemented through the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.

A claim for refugee protection can be made in Canada by speaking to an officer from the CBSA at any port of entry upon arrival in Canada, or to an officer from either the IRCC or the CBSA at an inland office. The officer decides whether the claim is eligible to be referred to the IRB. If the claim is eligible, it is referred to the RPD to start the refugee protection process.

Refugee Appeal Division

The Refugee Appeal Division (RAD) decides appeals from decisions of the RPD to allow or reject claims for refugee protection.

The RAD may decide to confirm or to change the RPD’s decision. It may also decide to send the case back to the RPD to hear it again, giving the directions to the RPD that it considers appropriate.

Immigration Division

At the request of the CBSA or IRCC, the Immigration Division (ID), conducts admissibility hearings for foreign nationals or permanent residents believed to be inadmissible to, or removable from Canada under the law.

The ID also conducts detention reviews for foreign nationals or permanent residents detained by the CBSA to review the reasons for detention.

Detention reviews are held:

  • Within 48 hours of the start of detention or without delay afterwards
  • Then, within 7 days of that first review
  • After that, the ID reviews the grounds for detention at least once every 30 days until the person is either released or removed from Canada

Immigration Appeal Division

The Immigration Appeal Division (IAD) of the IRB hears appeals on immigration-related matters. There are several types of appeals that are heard by the IAD:

  • Appeals of family class sponsorship applications refused by IRCC officials
  • Appeals of removal orders made against permanent residents, protected persons, and holders of permanent resident visas
  • Appeals by permanent residents who have been found by an IRCC official outside of Canada not to have fulfilled their residency obligation
  • Appeals by the Minister of Public Safety of decisions where the ID made a decision that a person is not inadmissible



Manon Brassard

Manon Brassard


Roger Ermuth

Roger Ermuth

Executive Director

Hongchao Wang

Hongchao Wang

Head Corporate Services and Chief Financial Officer

Roula Eatrides

Roula Eatrides

Deputy Chairperson RPD

Greg Kipling

Greg Kipling

Deputy Chairperson ID

Suzanne Gilbert

Suzanne Gilbert

Deputy Chairperson RAD


Caroline Labranche

Deputy Chairperson IAD

Julie Wellington

Julie Wellington

Senior General Counsel